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Chief of Police Job Posting Set for September 23

By contributor,

The Police Chief Search Committee, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, has been meeting to
move forward the recruitment and selection of a Police Chief, to replace Chief Flannery who
retired on June 30, 2013.

“This is a critical hire for the Community and the Committee will be thorough in conducting a very
careful, thoughtful, and deliberate process, to ensure the right candidate(s) for the Office of Chief
of Police is presented to the Board of Selectmen,” says Bob Levenson, Chair of the Search

To date the Search Committee has worked on identifying critical areas of focus, that are required
to choose the most qualified candidates who possess the qualities that will allow the new Chief
to be successful in Hopkinton. The outside firm to provide candidate testing and assessment
resources will be engaged this month. The Search Committee will post the job announcement
on September 23rd with a closing date of October 7th. Screening of candidates will be conducted
by the Search Committee in early October with interviews set for November, at which point the
Search Committee hopes to make finalist recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. The
Search Committee expects the new Chief to assume the Office of Chief of Police early next