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Video Segment: Town Manager Norman Khumalo talks Town Meeting

By Tom Nappi, News Director

The annual town meeting is less than 1 month away. Town Manager Norman Khumalo filled us in on what will be going on at town hall to prepare for the big week. The Town Manager stated it's currently a very busy time at Town Hall; "specifically, here's what we are going to be doing, finalize the town meeting warrant for the Board of Selectmen signature and then after we will work with the different town departments, proponents of the articles to finalize the motions document." Khumalo mentioned that the goal is to have all documents for town meeting ready at least 10 days before town meeting. He also mentioned that his office will be working with the I.T. department to make sure that all information regarding the articles is available on the town website. "We'll be working collaboratively with the town boards, committees and article proponents too make sure they're ready for town meeting."

Town Manager Norman Khumalo urged citizens to familiarize themselves with the warrant, the list of articles and the proponents and also attending public meetings that have been scheduled to discuss articles.

For more information watch the video and go to the town website

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