Every October the Michael Carter Lisnow Respite Center holds a special road race in Hopkinton. People gather together to run, walk, or wheel three miles (5k) through the beauty of a fall New England day. This day is in the memory of Michael Lisnow, for whom the Respite Center is named. Awards are given out for the top three males and top three females in these categories: 6 and under, 7-13, 14-19, 20-30, 21-40, 41-50, 51-60, and 60+.
This year marks the 14th Michael’s Run, and it will be held on October 22nd, 2011. Registration starts at 10:00 AM, and the race starts at 12:00 noon. You can pre-register by filling out the attached form and dropping it off at the center.
Everyone who has participated in this run before understands that it is not your average road race. As Michael taught us, winning is not the goal, finishing to the best of your ability is. This is truly a family event, and there will be a BBQ for all participants afterwards. Please consider joining us on this memorable fall day.
What: The 14th Annual Michael’s Run to Benefit the Hopkinton Respite Center.
Where: Hopkinton Common, Route 135.
When: Saturday October 16, 2010. Registration starts at 10am, race starts at 12 Noon.
Why: Michael Lisnow was born 16 weeks premature, weighing just over a pound. As a result of his premature birth, Michael had cerebral palsy and was blind. He touched the lives of countless people with his smile and laugh. Through this run the Spirit of Michael lives on and we celebrate the time he was able to spend with all of us. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the Michael Lisnow Respite Center of Hopkinton. Make checks payable to The Respite Center, 112 Main St., Hopkinton, MA 01748.
$20 per person pre-registered barbeque and awards following the race
$5 per person for the barbeque only
$25 per person day of race