Greetings to all!
Hoping you are enjoying these warm summer days with much sun and clear blue sky! This is a very quick pull-together of events sent for sharing. You will find a number of events of music, a lot of great summertime blues, some poetry, opportunity to see exhibits, puppets for adults and even opportunity to pursue travel and creativity in Ecuador! Lynne Daminanos also has shared some vacation tips for taking photographs. Enjoy the days and please send any news of the arts that you’d like to share and I will try to send out another by next weekend!
1. Perry Desmond Davies announces: THIS FRIDAY, July 15th I am so honored to be the opener for Boston’s legendary folk-bluesman Geoff Bartley at the Amazing Things Arts Center in Framingham, MA! Tickets are $16($13 for A.T. members); you can check out the concert info here:
Also Announcing: Tuesday, July 26th I’m sharing a feature at Lexington’s NOURISH Restaurant with the inimitable Lloyd Thayer! Nourish is a wonderful place, very supportive of local music and has great food :> No cover, music starts at 6:30pm and we’ll feature starting at 8pm.
2. JACLYN AND ABBEY PERREAULT Announce: JULY 20th 7:30pm to 10pm MAIN STREET CAFE in CONCORD EVENING OF “DUO MUSIC” FEATURING Jaclyn & Abbey Perreault and Ergo Canto!
At ages 17 and 19 Jaclyn and Abbey Perreault perform as a young, harmonizing duo who share their love of making-music with piano, guitar and singing original songs and cover songs. The two sisters have performed as a duo and also as soloists throughout New England. Ergo Canto are Paul Beck and Leslie Bryant! Paul is a consummate folkie – favoring traditional music along with his own fine compositions on guitar, mandolin, mandola, & banjo. Leslie also plays a number of instruments including flute, fiddle, harmonica and percussion. Main Streets is known for its tasty cuisine and fine beverages. Reservations may be made by calling 978-369-9948. For more information Click Here. 42 Main St. Concord, MA
3. DICK LOURIE announces: Juke Joint Five Jive:All the Blues That’s Fit to Print
One more once, as Count Basie used to say: the Juke Joint Five plays at Smoken Joe’s Barbecue, 351 Washington Street in Brighton, Friday July 22nd, 9pm. Come on out and dance to our kickass roots-of-blues electric sound. And you should consider arriving with bare feet, because Gretchen’s vocals might knock your socks off. As some of you know, the food is great, and lately I’ve seen big crowds, so if you plan to come for dinner (which I recommend), you might want to make a reservation.
4. MARYLOU FERRANTE Announces: Saturday, July 23rd
I will be opening for Les Sampou at the Soul Homestead Music Series at 46 Soule Street, Middleborough, MA 02346….Phone: (508) 947-6744
E-mail: info@soulehomestead.org… I go on at 6pm for a 45 minute set. Concerts are held outdoors weather permitting. There is a lovely new building I’m told incase of inclement something or other, which would be the wind and rain this time of year.
Pamela Maiato announces: July 23rd Adult Audience Puppet Slam
5. PAMELA MAITO Announces:
The next puppet slam at the Puppet Showplace Theater in Brookline. It was very fun and entertaining. It’s an adult show with 7 acts performing creative skits in various forms of puppetry. If you’ve never been to the Puppet Theater I think you’d enjoy it.
FRIDAY, JULY 29th 2011
7PM – 10PM
This concert will move through the emotions of grief from anger and sadness to joy and celebration. All are invited to light a candle in the memory of someone you have lost during our candlelight ceremony. This experience will be deeply moving, healing and inspirational for all.
146 East Main Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748
The concert proceeds will benefit Ben Speaks Louder Than Words, www.benspeaks.org, a non-profit 501(C)3 public charity whose mission is to C.A.R.E. Create Alternative Resources for Expression and to empower our youth to BE THE CHANGE they want to see in the world to STOMP OUT the growing trends of depression, bullying and teen suicide.
7. PAMELA MAIATO Announces June 17th – July 31st
the Industrial Strength Show held at Fountain Street Studios in Framingham. The show runs from June 17th – July 31st. There’s an opening reception on Saturday, June 25th from 5pm-8pm at 59 Fountain Street. Pamela along with many other local artists will have work exhibited in the show and all pieces of art are for sale.
8. BINKI DeCOLLIBUS Announces It’s time to rock the barn!Join us for a barn concert by Danielle Miraglia with cookout on Saturday, July 30th at 6:00.
Where: Binki and Jerry De Collibus”s Barn 72 Front St., Hopkinton
6:00 Arrive and enjoy the food. Hang out.
Menu: Pulled Pork Sliders, Grilled Brats, Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, Toasted Israeli Couscous w/ Grilled Summer Vegetables, many salads. Pick up Desserts. We will provide water, soda and ice, Coffee and tea. For anything else BYOB please.
7:00(or so) Danielle’s first set. 8:15 (or so) Second set
We hope you will join us for an evening of rockin’ blues featuring the amazing Danielle Miraglia. People were blown away by her performance last year and have been asking when she would be coming back!“Check out her website. The suggested donation for this evening, including food is $15.00 per person with 100% proceeds going to the performer. RSVP is a must as seating is limited. Feel free to invite friends RSVP to Binkicooks@gmail.com or 508-435-3720
9. LIBBY FRANCK Announces: AUGUST 6th Inside the Secret Six A Conversation with Julia Ward Howe
Samuel Gridley Howe & Theodore Parker of Boston
Thomas Wentworth Higginson of Worcester
Franklin Benjamin Sanborn of Concord
George Luther Stearns of Medford
Gerrit Smith of Syracuse New York
These six wealthy and influential men from the Northeast secretly funded the abolitionist, John Brown. All had been involved in the abolitionist
cause prior to meeting Brown, and gradually became convinced that slavery would not die a peaceful death. Mrs. Howe will discuss her knowledge of her husband¹s involvement in the funding of John Brown¹s activities, her friend ship with Higginson, Parker and Charles Sumner who was nearly beaten to death for his speech condemning slavery on the floor of the Senate in May, 1856. Libby Franck will portray Mrs. Howe
Location: Edgell Memorial Library/3 Oak Street, Framingham, MA
Dates: Saturday, August 6th Time:3:00 p.m.
Framingham History Center Members free, others $5
Tour of Civil War exhibit included
10. CATHLEEN DINSMORE Announces: Marathon Quilter’s Quilt Show
September 17 – 10-5pm
September 18 – 12-5pm
Hopkinton Cultural Arts Alliance 98 Hayden Rowe St (Rte. 85)
Hopkinton, MA 01748 $5.00 adults, $3.00 seniors, and children 12 and under FREE
See Quilts on display, visit the MQ Boutique for some real deals and enter to win the Raffle Quilt, Harvest Memories with center design by Cindy Edgerton. Tickets – $1 each/6 for $5. More information – visit the Marathon Quilter’s website.
11. DEBORAH STRAFUSS Announces: AlliancExchange October Journey Creation and Journeyers Meeting !!
Thursday, October 14th at 7:30PM
8 Parkridge Road, Wayland, Mass. 508-53-5136
This is for those travelers already registered for the October 6-17, 2011, Creative Connections – the Earth & Sky in Ecuador – AND for others who are curious about the journey. Travelers on previous journeys will also be there to answer your questions. Learn more specifics and decide whether it’s for you!! We’ll have the latest itinerary available as well as websites of the venues we can peruse. Questions and Answers Included, so come prepared to ask! You’ll also be able to purchase raffle tickets for the possibility of winning the journey and round trip airfare to Quito from Boston or similarly priced originating airport in October. For more information, contact Madsen@AlliancExchange.org., or come to the meeting!
12: LYNNE DAMIANOS offers:
PHOTOTGRAPHY TIPS FOR SUMMER VACATION School has ended for the year and families are thinking about summer vacations. When you decide on a destination and pack the essentials, a camera will probably be tucked away in your luggage. Below you’ll find a few tips for traveling with camera gear and not driving the airport security or your family crazy while capturing summer memories:
• Bring extra sets of batteries and your charger if you need one.
• Bring twice as many memory cards as you think you’ll need or a device to download images onto.
• Consider a pocket point-and-shoot or DSLR camera with 2 lenses for a great travel kit (small and simple).
• Plan ahead. Will you be going on serious photo adventures alone, or taking snapshots of the family? Different equipment is needed for each situation.
• Put your camera in carry-on luggage. Checked bags might not make it to your destination on time or unharmed.
• Enjoy taking pictures. You don’t have to be the family vacation historian of record!
• Bring every camera you own. You won’t use it if it’s to heavy to carry.
• Plan on hours of photo excursions with family in tow – they will leave you behind.
• Force a photo opportunity out of every situation.
• Worry if you can’t capture every moment.
• You can read more about Lynne and her photography at http://www.damianosphotography.com/index.htm