Board Of Health Sees Crossroads, 8 McNeil Circle

The Board of Health met on Monday, March 16th, 2015.
With two appointments on their agenda, they first heard from Mr. Steven Zieff of Eden Management, Inc. Ahead of May’s Town Meeting, Mr. Zieff gave a presentation to the committee concerning his hopeful plans for Crossroads Redevelopment District, Inc. He presented plans for sewer removal, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management. He also mentioned possible plans for a community center in the development. Mr. Winshman wished him well in his endeavors, but reminded him that the Board of Health, nor any other board, has any sway on the town meeting vote in May. If the town of Hopkinton decides to proceed with the project, Mr. Winshman said that the board would welcome any future presentations and take any actions necessary at that time.

At their second appointment, the Board ofHealth heard from Mark and Ellen Factor, who were seeking to put an office into their basement. However, the developer of their neighborhood, they said, was locked in a disagreement with the town and the board over documents, and they said that they could not move forward until this issue was resolved. Mr. Wirtanen confirmed that the developer still needs to supply the town with as-built plans and a plan of a sewer disposal system, and that was likely what was holding up their plans for a basement office. Mr. Winshman stated his belief that the Board of Health was meant to provide some relief to these people, and did not want them to continue to suffer because of their developer. As their plans met all expected limits regarding room count, Mr. Winshman and Ms. Belesi approved their request to pull permits for their intended project.

The Board of Health meets next on Thursday, April 16th.

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