Boys Cross Country: Hopkinton 19, Holliston 36

A win today for the Boys Cross Country team against Holliston with a final score of Hopkinton 19, Holliston 36.

From Coach Fairbanks:

“Congrats to Kyle Driscoll on coming in 1st again. Jack Cote wanted to beat Holliston’s third guy and he did! He also beat the time he wanted to. Two goals in one day! Nice job. Noah’s name falls in the second column when he finishes the race. His goal is to get into the first column (top 40). Noah came in 43rd today. Nice job! Daron, Felix, and David W all got new sneakers. I hope they felt better. They took off 4 min, 7 min, and 2 min respectively. Thanks to Jonathan D for finishing his first race and cheering Daniel K the whole way.”

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