Neighbors, I’m Frank D’Urso and I’m the “No Over-Rides” candidate for Selectman.
I have a Masters Degree in Management and 25 years of experience that can help Hopkinton find innovative ways to solve our problems.
My wife Emily and I have lived in town for 12 years, and taxes have increased dramatically.
My daughter is attending Center School kindergarten this fall, my son starts 3rd grade at Elmwood. I pledge to find an affordable, direct solution to the school building problems. If large projects that cannot be planned for in advance come up, I prefer “Debt Exclusion”, a transparent method of tracking and paying off temporary debt over a number of years, (NOT a “forever tax”).
My opponent and I both lost elections last year, the DIFFERENCE is that I stayed INVOLVED in town politics and took active leadership positions on several major issues while my opponent stayed quiet stating no public opinions until our debate last Monday. He was a last minute substitution into this race, his political career is geared for state or federal office. At the debate he refused to pledge to serve all three years if elected. I can promise that I will serve a full term, I believe if you start a job, then you finish it.
I’m a member of the bi-partisan citizens group against school districting, we spent many hours researching that issue, and 72% of you agreed with us. Hopkinton should do a better job of engaging ALL citizens. I’ve recommended to the BoS that we restart the Civic Engagement Committee, and have another Voices for Vision forum, (methods to gather ideas from a wider range of citizens).
Over the last year I have been involved with many of the articles that came up at town meeting. I worked with the Fire Department, Police Department, Seniors, Planning/ZAC and DRC. I have a solid grasp of the Legacy Farms project.
I’m currently on the Conservation Commission, Sustainable Green Committee, and previously the Civic Engagement Committee.
With HopGreen we achieved over $130,000.00 in grants from the Green Communities Act, these conservation projects are making an immediate improvement in savings for Hopkinton.
Some ideas I’ve been discussing:
School Administration placed in the Woodville FD.
Use insurance money to replace DPW Shed
Combine new office space for School Administration, DPW and other Municipal needs, NOT a large “palace” for each department.
One HR directer (instead of separate school and town HR)
Options for the town to expedite the commercial construction at the corner of South Street and West Main.
More thoughts here – http://www.frankdurso4selectman.org
I realize that I am in an uphill battle versus a virtual incumbent, I will work to do my best as a true fiscal conservative to help guide our town towards a better financial future.