My name is Irfan Nasrullah, and I am proud to announce my candidacy for the Board of Selectmen.
Some might say I’m an old timer here in Hopkinton; my family first moved here in 1981. There was a lot then for a high school freshman to find attractive about Hopkinton, a small centrally located town with wonderful natural beauty, trails, and plenty of space to explore.
I’ve always known that Hopkinton was the town where I wanted to raise my own family. When I purchased the family homestead in 2013, I came to know that while I had loved Hopkinton as a child, I appreciated it even more as a father. Both the school system and the sense of community are second to none.
I was elected to the Planning Board last year and found the entire process to be incredibly humbling and rewarding at the same time. I’ve come to know more people and understand we all share common values and a vision for our town. I’ve also come to understand the dedication and effort those before me have put in.
From my experience on the Planning Board, I’ve learned that my skill set serves me well in helping the town continue to grow in a manner that expands on the community character and builds on its values. This experience, combined with my qualifications as an environmental attorney who also practices in real estate, positions me as someone whom I believe can add a valuable perspective and a new voice on the Board of Selectmen.
I believe my professional experience, work with the Planning Board, and dedication to the town and its people make me an ideal candidate for the Board of Selectmen. I respectfully ask for your vote on May 21.