Candidate Statement: Lesley Ficarri for Board of Assessors

Hello Hopkinton Neighbors,

My name is Lesley Ficarri, and I am running for re-election to the Board of Assessors for a 3-year term.

Last May, many of you came out to support my candidacy and elect me to the open 1-year term. Thank you! The Board of Assessors’ key responsibilities are to support the Assessing Department in valuing real estate and personal property, considering tax abatements and exemptions, and providing data and analysis needed to set the annual tax rate in accordance with applicable Massachusetts laws.

Being on this Board was a great opportunity to serve our community. I integrated quickly and learned about how revenue is generated for the Town of Hopkinton through our taxes. I leveraged my background and skills as a human resources executive to make decisions considering legal frameworks and data along with the impact on our residents and businesses. Sound judgement, high ethics and the ability to maintain confidentiality guided us during each meeting.

My husband, Pete, and I grew up near Pittsburgh, PA. We moved to Massachusetts in 1998 and to Hopkinton in 2001 when we built our house. We previously volunteered for the town. I served on the Personnel Committee, and Pete was on the Zoning Board of Appeals and Zoning Advisory Committee. We have made great friends here and very much enjoy living in Hopkinton.

Please join me on Facebook at

I want to continue serving you on the Board of Assessors, and I respectfully ask for your vote on Monday, May 21st.

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