Hello All, We just wanted to inform residents that 8:00 PM, this Friday (11/29/2019) is the last day to register to vote if you wish to participate in the Special Town Meeting scheduled for December 9th, 2019.
As many of you already know, Town Hall and this office will be closed on Friday, November 29th. However, the awesome dispatch team at the Hopkinton Police Department were kind enough to lend us a hand. Therefore, if you wish to turn in a voter registration card in person, please drop it off at the HPD dispatch window before 8:00 PM on Friday and it will still be counted as received. You may also check your registration status at https://www.sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrationSearch/MyVoterRegStatus.aspx or register online at https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/ anytime before the end of the registration deadline to make it more convenient.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Connor B. Degan
Town Clerk,