Editorial: Kelly Knight Thanks You

Now that the election is over I would like to take a minute to thank the people who supported me over the last 12 weeks. My husband, my children and my “Committee to Elect” were invaluable, but you, the voters, put me here. I am so grateful you believed in my platform and checked my name on Monday’s ballot! Now it’s time to get to work.

I learned so much throughout this process, and I’m excited to put my words into action beginning June 12th with my first official School Committee meeting. There are so many important decisions ahead of us that require the public’s engagement including the updated Strategic Plan and the Center School Solution, and I will do my best to make sure the information you need is readily available and consumable.

I have a new email address that I welcome you to use if you have questions, concerns, or ideas to share throughout my term: kknight@hopkinton.k12.ma.us
Thank you again for your support.

Kelly Knight
1 Ledgestone Drive

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