Free Pasta Dinner at St. Paul’s April 26

The April Community Pasta Supper at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 61 Wood Street (Rte. 135) will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26. All are welcome to this event, which is being supported by the churches of the Hopkinton Christian Service Connection. This pasta supper is held for the community on the last Wednesday of every month.

The meal will feature pasta (gluten free available), vegetarian tomato sauce, meatballs on the side, green salad, bread, beverages, and dessert.
The pasta supper is free, although donations will be accepted.

The mission of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is to minister unconditionally to all in the name of Christ through shared worship, teaching, healing, and service. St. Paul’s is LGBTQ friendly. For more information call the church office at 508-435-4536 or visit

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