The DPW wishes to remind all Hopkinton residents of By-Laws pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles during the winter months.
Traffic Rules and Orders, Town of Hopkinton, Article lV, Section 8 “It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than for an emergency, to park said vehicle on any street between the hours of 1:00am to 6:00am from November 15 through April 1.
Article X, Section 1 By-Laws Town of Hopkinton
The Highway Manager, for the purpose of removing or plowing snow, or removing the ice from any way shall be authorized to remove or cause to be removed to some convenient place, including in such term a public garage, any vehicle interfering with such work. The owner of any vehicle so removed shall be liable for the cost of such removal, and for the storage charges, if any, resulting therefrom. The Highway Manager, whenever any vehicle is so removed, shall notify the Police Department and said Department shall render all necessary assistance to the Highway Manager in enforcing this by-law.
Article 3
No person shall pile, push, throw, shovel, plow or by any other method or means cause snow to be deposited or placed on any public roadway or sidewalk of the Town so as to impede, obstruct or interrupt or otherwise adversely affect the unrestricted flow of traffic or the safe travel of any pedestrian on such roadway or sidewalk. The foregoing sentence shall not apply to any person in the employ of the Town, or in the employ of an independent contractor, which has been hired by the Town for the purpose of snow removal. Whoever violates this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each such violation. Each instance of such conduct shall constitute a separate violation of this By-Law.
The DPW would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
Mike Mansir
Highway Manager