Dear Editor,
It seems that Rep. Dykema’s start of her third term is off to a very bad start. First, she takes an overseas junket and doesn’t state who paid for it. Hey, it was on water quality so it is ok. Has she not heard of skype?
Dykema files legislation to charge everyone for school transportation. She never looks for a savings, just more of our money.
On her third vote of the session, she goes back on her promise to put committee votes online. Then, she lies about the technology not being available to put them on line when she said in October it was there. As we all know, any 18 year old could put them online.
Next, she votes with the Speaker 100% of the time during the first 26 votes. She never looked at the merit of the issues. Shame on Her.
Sue Austin
256 Lowland St
Holliston MA 01746