Hopkinton Moms Group Gives $2,500 for Library Renovation

Fundraising for the Library received a generous $2,500 gift from the Hopkinton Moms Group to renovate and expand the Library. In recognition of its gift, a table and chairs in the Children’s Room of the new Library will be named for the Hopkinton Moms Group.

“The Hopkinton Moms Group contributes to local organizations in many ways throughout the year. At the end of our calendar year, we also try to pick one or two organizations to whom to make a large donation. This year, the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation made the most sense given that so many families in our community currently and will always benefit from library offerings,” says Mary Schofield, Hopkinton Moms Group President. “In past years, we’ve also donated to Hopkinton Center for the Arts, The Michael Lisnow Respite Center, The One Fund, Project Just Because, EMC Playground to replace the mulch, and Hopkinton Youth Soccer to replace soccer nets, among other organizations.”

Along with recent fundraising events and new 1000 Homes for Hopkinton Library pledges, Hopkinton Public Library Foundation has raised over $520,000 in total for the new Library.

“This generous gift from the Hopkinton Moms Group is a fantastic show of support for the Library from mothers and young families in our community. With the Hopkinton Moms gift, the Foundation has raised over $400,000 in gifts and pledges since launching its 1000 Homes for Hopkinton Library challenge last October, and over $520,000 in total since the Foundation was formed,” says Laura Barry, Chair of the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation. “The Hopkinton Moms Group joins over 165 individuals, families, businesses, and local groups giving to 1000 Homes and this incredible community project – one which benefits every resident of Hopkinton, from infant to senior, as well as the Town as whole.”

About the Hopkinton Moms Group.
The Hopkinton Moms Group strives to provide both support and a social network to moms within Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Most of the over 300 moms join the Hopkinton Moms Group for two reasons: to provide an opportunity for their children to meet other kids and to meet other moms and families themselves. For more information about the Hopkinton Moms Group, please visit www.hopkintonmomsgroup.org or email president@hopkintonmomsgroup.org.

About Hopkinton Public Library Foundation, Inc.
Founded in 2011, Hopkinton Public Library Foundation, Inc. (HPLF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the mission to raise private funds to support the state-of-the-art renovation and expansion of Hopkinton Public Library. HPLF appreciates the Hopkinton community’s tremendous response to date, and asks for the community’s continued support. Gifts in any amount are welcome and appreciated, and are tax-deductible. Contributions can be mailed to P.O. Box 16, Woodville, MA 01784, or made online at www.HPLFinc.org. For more information about 1000 Homes for Hopkinton Library, and the expansion and renovation of Hopkinton Library, please visit our website at www.HPLFinc.org and our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/HPLFpage.

Hopkinton Moms Group Board Members (vertically on the right from the bottom), Mary Schofield, Sara Maida, and Kate Skelly, along with HPLF Board Members (vertically on the left from the bottom) Katie Davenport, Katie Principe, and Laura Barry, commemorate the Hopkinton Moms Group gift to the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation.

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