Hopkinton Police Detectives seized over a kilogram of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Hopkinton on Wednesday September 27, 2017. MDMA is commonly referred to as “Ecstasy” or “Molly”. MDMA is a dangerous psychoactive drug most often associated with young people and commonly used at raves or dance parties. This seizure would have amounted to approximately 5,000 doses of MDMA with a street value of over $100,000.00. The Hopkinton Police Department is proactive in its investigation of narcotic offenses and is proud to have significantly reduced the flow of MDMA to the Central Massachusetts / Metro-West area.
This seizure was a direct result of an ongoing investigation conducted in conjunction with the Franklin Police Department, and with the assistance of the Homeland Security Investigation Unit, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the United States Postal Inspectors Service. Chief Lee has said that “this seizure demonstrates the ongoing collaboration with our Local, State and Federal law enforcement partners.”