Become a part of history! Hopkinton Public Library Foundation (HPLF) announces the Heritage Quilt, a project to raise funds for the restoration, renovation and expansion of Hopkinton Public Library. Marathon Quilters, a small group of local quilters, will create a quilt that looks like a bookcase in our library, except the spine of each book will proudly display the names of those donating to this historic project. Families or individuals may purchase the spine of a book for $75. The names of several local and well-known authors, including Geraldine Brooks, will appear on spines along with local families and individuals. Once completed in September 2013, the Heritage Quilt will be displayed in the library’s permanent collection.
To purchase a spine on the Heritage Quilt, complete a form available at the Hopkinton Public Library or online at the HPLF website. All funds raised by the Heritage Quilt will be used for the restoration, renovation and expansion of Hopkinton Public Library.
The Heritage Quilt honors the Hopkinton residents of the past and their long tradition of supporting the public library, and celebrates the residents and businesses of today who are committed to the future of this essential community resource. The original library building and collection were entirely funded by private donations. At the dedication of Hopkinton Public Library in 1895, the Secretary of the Library Committee, Mary C. Holman, explained that John Quincy Adams (formerly of Hopkinton) challenged the community by “offering to give $4,000 towards the cost of a library building – provided we would raise an additional $10,000 and have a building up and covered within two years.” Holman declared that “within 24 hours after the receipt of Mr. Quincy’s proposal, we had more than one half the amount required to make his pledge available.” Today, Hopkinton residents and businesses once again have the opportunity to provide the financial support necessary to ensure that Hopkinton Public Library will serve the community for generations to come.
In September 2012, the Hopkinton Permanent Building Committee completed a comprehensive assessment that found that the Public Library does not meet the needs of the Town. At just 5700 square feet, the current library building simply cannot provide the space and technology required to serve 15,000 Hopkinton residents and their diverse interests. While libraries across the state have kept pace with new technology and population growth, Hopkinton Public Library has not been renovated or expanded since 1967. The building is not fully handicap accessible and does not fully comply with the American with Disabilities Act.
About the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation
The Hopkinton Public Library Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in September 2011. Its mission is to raise private funds to support the restoration, expansion and state-of-the-art renovation of the Hopkinton Public Library. In addition to the $4.5 million grant awarded to the Town of Hopkinton by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC), private funds raised by HPLF will defray the cost to the town of Hopkinton. The MBLC expects to fund Hopkinton’s $4.5 million grant as early as July 2014, as Hopkinton has moved up to #13 on the MBLC waiting list to receive library construction funds. Following the expansion, HPLF will provide ongoing funding for long-term enhancements of the library.
Tax-deductible contributions to Hopkinton Public Library Foundation, Inc. can be mailed to P.O. Box 16, Woodville, MA 01784 or made online.
For more information, visit http://hopkintonpubliclibraryfoundation.org.