In accordance with the Town of Hopkinton’s Home Rule Charter, Article 6: Administrative Organization, Sec. 6-1(b), the Hopkinton Select Board will hold a public hearing to consider an Administrative Order that will establish a new Town committee known as the Trails Committee, whose purpose is to provide for a coordinated and efficient approach to planning, constructing, developing, maintaining and enhancing the network of trails throughout Hopkinton, which shall include a variety of trail types. This shall include shared use paths, accommodating users of all abilities, increasing accessibility in key locations, and improving connectivity.
The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 215/216, Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA. The Town Hall is handicap accessible.
A copy of the complete Administrative Order relative to the proposed new committee is posted on the calendar listing for the Select Board meeting at www.hopkintonma.gov; or may be reviewed at the Town Clerk’s Office and Town Manager’s Office during normal business hours, or requested by email: elainel@hopkintonma.gov.
Any person interested or wishing to be heard on the proposed Administrative Order should appear at the time and place designated. Written comments may be submitted before noon on December 2, 2024 to elainel@hopkintonma.gov. Please call the Town Manager’s office at 508-497-9701 if there are any questions.