The Special Town meeting takes place at Hopkinton Middle School on Monday, November 18th and starts at 7pm. The meeting will also air live on HCAM-TV and our Youtube page!
View live updates from Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting below!
View annual Town Meeting warrant HERE!
-Motion to consider Article 8 as first Article discussed – Passed 218-107
–Article 8: MBTA Communities Zoning Bylaw – Passed 236-167
-To see if the Town will vote to amend chapter 210, Zoning Bylaws.
-Allows multi-family housing as of right in accordance with Section 3A of the Zoning Act (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A).
-Previous “MBTA Communities Zoning Bylaw” Article failed at Spring Annual Town Meeting 118-126 on May 8th 2024.
-Simple Majority Required
-Motion to take “No Action” on article by Ken Weismantel – Motion fails 111-269
-Motion to end debate: Passed 372-40 (8:24pm)
Article 1: Reauthorize Means Tested Senior Property Tax Exemption – Passed Unanimously
-Reauthorizes the provisions of said act for an additional three-year interval beginning on August 22, 2024.
(Continues residential property tax exemption for senior citizens for an additional 3 year period.)
Article 2: Accept MGL Ch.59 Sec.5 Clause 221 0 Veterans Tax Exemption, Cost of Living adjustment – Passed Unanimously
-Increases amount of tax exemption granted to Veteran’s on their domiciles by a cost-of-living adjustment based on the consumer price index.
Article 3: Accept MGL Ch. 59 Sec 5. Clause 22J – Veterans Tax Exemption, Additional Exemption – Passed Unanimously
Article 4: Adopt Local Meals Excise – Passed 186-113
-To see if the town will vote to accept G.L. c.64L,2(a) to impose local meals tax, and to direct the designation of such funds for purposes contained in a special act which may be considered at a future town meeting.
-Standard Rate is 0.75%
-“73% of the state has adopted this tax”
-Funds would go towards economic development purposes
-“$415,000 per year is Average Tax revenue for towns with similar populations”
Article 5: Transfer Care, Custody & Control of Hughes Farm Parcels – Passed Unanimously
-To see if the town will vote to transfer the care, custody and control of the three Hughes farm parcels to the Open Space Preservation Commission, which will facilitate the placement of a Conservation Restriction on the parcels that identifies the Open Space Preservation Commission as the responsible Town entity. Parcels located at 0 Hayden Rowe (U24-10-0), 192 Hayden Rowe (U24-9-0) and 0 Hayden Rowe (U24-10-A).
Article 6: Rescind Authorized but Unissued Debt – Passed Unanimously
-To see if town will vote to rescind authorized and unissued debt for projects that are no longer necessary or do not require additional funding.
Article 7: Establish Board of Health Revolving Fund – Passed Unanimously
-Establishes revolving fund to be used by the Hopkinton Health Department.
-Select Board and Appropriations recommend approval
-Will not exceed $200,000
-Special Town Meeting Ends: 8:59pm