Hopkinton Trails Club April Events

Lots of good things going on. Join us!
Wednesday, April 10, 6:30PM: Monthly Club meeting

Saturday, April 13, 1PM: Ashland State Park walk. A 3 mile loop around the reservoir (with an option to bail out halfway). We’ll start at the boat ramp on Spring Street in Ashland.

Saturday, April 27: Massachusetts Park Serve Day. A great chance to give back to the parks we love to use.

Saturday, April 27, 9AM: Lake Maspenock annual spring cleanup. Sponsored by the Lake Maspenock Preservation Association. Meet at the Sandy Beach parking lot at 9AM for gloves and trash bags (along with some coffee, hot chocolate and donuts). Then head out, gather as much trash as you can from around the lake and meet back at Sandy Beach around 11/11:30 for pizza and some social time with fellow lake neighbors.

Sunday, April 28, 1PM: Annual Trail Work Day. The Center Trail and Echo Trail will get a sprucing up after the winter’s storms. Drainage ditches will be cleared of obstructions, fallen tree limbs will be moved off the trails, and we’ll take care of anything else that needs attention. Meet at Lot H on the school’s Loop Road. If enough folks show up, we may split into smaller groups and spread out to different locations. Dress appropriately (gloves, boots) and be prepared to get dirty (and maybe wet). Useful tools: rakes, hand clippers, branch loppers, saws (hand pruning saws and/or bow saws), small shovels.
Unless otherwise noted, all Hopkinton Trails Club events are free and open to the public.

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