Announcements from the HPTA:
- Registration for the Holiday Art Workshop for both MS & Hopkins has been extended until 12/4.
- The deadline for the HPTA Reflections has been extended to 12/7.
- Sue Starzyk, a math tutor at Hopkins, recently lost her home to a fire. Everyone got out safely, but she is left with nothing. The Hopkins staff is collecting money and household items for Sue and her family. Kim Picard, at the front office of Hopkins, has a manila envelope for monetary contributions. On November 30th, the staff are going to present the collected items and money. If anyone is interested in donating, please see Kim Picard.
- Donations for Alyson Geary – The HPTA is taking donations from parents and members in honor of Alyson Geary. The Hopkinton High School principal will be leaving for a new job at the end of 2012. The HPTA would like to honor her years of service with a gift to the high school in her name. The gift to the HS will most likely be in the form of something associated with the Arts or Technology, both areas of passion for Alyson. If you would like to contribute to this gift, please mail your check, made payable to the HPTA to Jenni Schroeder at 8 West Elm Street. Please mail donations ASAP as time is of the essence. The gift will be presented to Alyson at a reception in her honor. Questions can be directed to Jenni at jimjenni@comcast.net. Thank you.
- HPTA Marathon Numbers – HPTA has TWO marathon numbers up for grabs! If you are interested in wearing an HPTA number, please submit your name in for the lottery to secretary@hptaonline.com by Monday, December 10, 2012. The names will be pulled on Thursday, December 13, 2012 at our next Exec. Board Meeting.
- HPTA – Winter Extracurricular Program – Early discounted registration for HPTA members begins December 06 at 9PM. Registration is available on a first-come first-served basis. Many classes fill quickly! Catalog will be available soon on www.hptaonline.com.
Harlem Wizards VS. Hopkinton Hotshots! event held on 2/10 @ 3pm.