An information session will be held on Thursday, June 9 at 7:00-8:30pm at St John’s Church Hall for boys entering grades 1-5 in Fall 2011. Parents and boys: Come learn about the fun and benefits of Cub Scouting. All three Hopkinton Cub Scout Packs will be represented. The presentation begins at 7:15pm, followed by a Q&A and chance to meet leaders from each pack. There are currently openings in all three Hopkinton Cub Scout Packs for boys entering First Grade in 2011, and various openings in each Pack for boys entering Second through Fifth Grades. This event is Informational –
There is no obligation to join!
PACK 4: Bob Murchie, Cubmaster pack4hop@gmail.com 508-625-1121. Damian Packer, Recruiting damian@alum.mit.edu 508-497-8640. Pack 4
PACK 26: Dan Wood, Cubmaster danwood@hotmail.co.uk 508-625-1543. Tricia Shamus, Recruiting tshamus@verizon.net 508-544-9811. Pack 26
PACK 97: Kim Brennan, Cubmaster kim.brennan@comcast.net 508-435-4183. Deb Kelly, Recruiting debkelly8@verizon.net 508-435-8392. Pack 97