Today Marty Lamb, candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District and small business owner, toured Tri-Star Design in Hopkinton and discussed issues with owner Randy McDonald.
“Last week’s unemployment report was disturbing. It is the second month in a row that we have lost jobs in Massachusetts. We are heading in the wrong direction. That’s why I think it is so crucial that we create a more business friendly climate for small business. They are our number one producer of new jobs,” said Lamb. “People like Randy have worked hard to grow their business. He and his company are not looking for a government handout. He just wants state government off his back. As the next State Representative I will work to bring his concerns directly to the State House and get action. I won’t be photo opportunity seeking State Representative. I will be a leader on the tough issues.”
“We are pleased to show Marty our facility and what we do here. We also discussed some key issues that are affecting how we do business and our hiring potential. As a fellow small business owner, Marty understands our concerns and he has great ideas on addressing them,” said Randy. “After meeting with Marty it is clear he is the best person to lead us on small business and economic issues.”
Founded in 1991, Tri-Star Design has been providing electronic product development services to the high technology communities across North America. Our staff consists of electrical, mechanical and software design engineers who hail from some of the best research and development facilities in the area. Located in Hopkinton, MA, Tri-Star currently employs 12 design engineers and is looking to expand operations in 2013.
According to the State House News Service reports scientific and business services have lost 1900 jobs, trade, transportation and utilities lost 1400 jobs, financial services lost 300 jobs, construction lost 1400 jobs, and education and health services lost 2600 jobs.
These figures don’t account for the people who have given up looking for work and the under employed. Lamb estimates the employment problem in the Commonwealth is about 15%.
Last month Lamb released 6 key reforms that he will pursue as our next State Representative. They are as follows:
•Amend the laws governing freelancers and independent contractors so we can encourage entrepreneurship through self-employment
•Require the state to do a cost/benefit analysis of regulations every 5 years
•Pass a 3 year moratorium on new health care mandates
•End the inventory tax
•Allow more options in health care insurance products
•Allow businesses to appeal labor judgments against them.
For more information on Marty’s candidacy, voters can visit his website at ElectMartyLamb.com or follow him on Twitter at @ElectMartyLamb and Facebook at Elect Marty Lamb