Library Now Open on Monday Mornings

Beginning on Monday, July 15, the Hopkinton Public Library will open at 10 a.m. on Monday mornings.

“This will be great news for our young readers and especially for those parents who love bringing their children to the library on Monday mornings, but couldn’t for the last several years,” said Library Director Rownak Hussain. “We are excited about this step forward and will continue to serve the community with the best library services possible!”

Please visit the Library’s website for a full listing of programs, hours and other available resources. For questions, call 508-497-3400.

“The library staff want to thank the Board of Selectmen and, most of all, all of you, our patrons, for their support in expanding the library hours on Monday’s,” said Hussain. “We hope you will all join us for an exciting year!”

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