The Middlesex Sheriff’s Office (MSO) is continuing to raise awareness about ongoing arrest scams with the release of a new Public Service Announcement (PSA). The video highlights red flags to be aware of and reminds the public of ways to protect themselves and their loved ones.
The MSO continues to field calls almost daily from residents targeted over the phone by scammers claiming to be members of the MSO and other law enforcement agencies. These scammers often demand payment using gift cards, cryptocurrency, or wire transfers for things like failing to appear for jury duty or pay taxes.
The PSA emphasizes that legitimate law enforcement professionals will:
• Never contact you over the phone to pay non-existent fines or fees for things like missing jury duty.
• Never request you pay fines or fees using unconventional methods of payment, like gift cards.
• Never ask for your bank account information or social security information.
“Scammers continue to prey on our communities by posing as trusted members of law enforcement,” said Middlesex Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian. “While we and our colleagues have sought to get the word out about these scams in recent years, we hope this new video PSA will serve as an additional reminder that legitimate law enforcement will never act in this manner.”
The MSO encourages the community to watch the PSA on its website – www.middlesexsheriff.org – and social media channels and share it with their loved ones. If you believe you have been targeted by a scam, please contact your local police or sheriff’s office immediately.
As part of the MSO’s Law Enforcement and Residents Networking (LEARN) initiative, the MSO is proud to provide presentations to the community that cover the common and emerging scams targeting residents; tips to avoid falling victim to scammers; and red flags to look out for.
Organizations interested hosting a presentation can contact the MSO’s Director of Community Affairs Ken Doucette at KDoucette@sdm.state.ma.us for more information.