Hopkinton Community Organizations |
Abbey Villa Soccer Club |
Des Rice founded this club in 2009 and is the director. Players ages 6-18 can join to learn how to play soccer and improve their soccer skills. As time goes on, players will learn important values such as respect for themselves, other players, and coaches and referees. The club also promotes teamwork among players and teaches players to keep a level head when in a stressful situation. Most importantly, each player will grow stronger as a person. |
Baypath Humane Society |
This organization takes in stray and surrendered cats and dogs. They have a no-kill policy and keep every animal until it has found a home. Volunteers work to give these animals happy lives by fostering kittens who are too young to be placed into a home and by socializing dogs and walking them twice a day. Each animal is loved and cared for in the shelter, and each deserves a wonderful home. |
Boy Scout Troop 1 |
Boy Scout Troop 4 |
Cub Scout Pack 4 |
The Cub Scouts is a group for boys from grades 1-5. A wide variety of activities are offered, such as camping, flagging veterans’ graves, and taking place in the Memorial Day Parade. Boys will learn discipline, outdoor skills, and many other lessons as they take part in the Cub Scouts. Most importantly, they will have fun as they learn. |
Cub Scout Pack 97 |
Demons Youth Hockey |
Founded in 2007, eHop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit civic league. eHop provides timely and factual information to residents about Town government, policy, budget, services, and taxes. Our goal is to educate residents with information, engage Town leaders and residents in productive conversations, and empower the community with the tools and knowledge needed to get involved in shaping the future of Hopkinton. eHop has an active news feed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and an e-newsletter; hosts public forums on timely community topics; and holds an annual Know Your Vote forum in late April, one week before Annual Town Meeting. You can sign up for our e-newsletter on our homepage, ehop.org, and follow us on social media for clear and concise civic updates. For questions and suggestions, please email questions@ehop.org. |
 Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library |
Through advocacy, volunteerism and financial support for programs and services, The Friends play a crucial role in providing and sustaining our library ‘s services not funded by the town. Our fundraising efforts include memberships, Spring and Fall book sales and Apple Crisp on the Common . We believe that supporting our library also enriches our town. |
Friends of Whitehall |
Their mission is to preserve, protect, conserve, and enhance the natural resources including water resources, marshland, swamps, woodlands, open spaces, wildlife habitat and items of historical significance within the Lake Whitehall watershed including Whitehall State Park. |
HCAM is a non-profit corporation which operates the two Community TV Channels in town, one for Public/Government programming and a second for Educational. We produce more than 40 hours a month of original programming covering all aspects of life in Hopkinton. HCAM is also a volunteer operation, where staff train and work side by side with residents to make TV! |
Hometown Hospitality |
Hometown Hospitality is a welcoming service for when you move into Hopkinton. You will receive information, gifts and coupons from area businesses, information from town hall, and a community directory. For your welcoming package, call Pam Jackson at 508-435-2242. Welcome! |
 Hopkinton Area Land Trust (HALT)
HALT works to preserve, protect, conserve and enhance the natural resources both within and around Hopkinton in order to maintain and improve the quality of life for present and future generations. The Land Trust provides awareness of resource conservation and will be the voice of, and catalyst for, permanent land protection. Whether you have lived in Hopkinton your entire life or just moved here yesterday, we all agree that we love the town for its beauty, natural resources, and for the commitment of the community to maintain a desirable place to live. |
Hopkinton-Ashland Youth Football and Cheerleading |
Hopkinton Basketball Association |
Founded in 2000 by Ken Driscoll, Mike Preite, and Trish Jacobs, this organization has kept the love of basketball alive for children in grades 4-8. With tryouts for every grade, different leagues, and different teams based on skill level, each child is given an opportunity to play and improve their basketball skills. There are 12 games from November to March with 1-2 practices every week. With an enthusiasm for the sport, each child can develop and grow as a player and as a person. |
Hopkinton Center for the Arts |
Serving individuals of all ages, cultures, and artistic abilities across the MetroWest region, the HCA develops artistic skills, offers outstanding artistic performances and exhibitions, and enables visitors to experience art in all forms. Under one roof, we celebrate art through classes and events in visual art, theater, music, dance, ceramics, writing, and film. Among our innovative current programs:
* Visual arts instruction for developmentally disabled adults and children with autism
* Free Summer Sunset Jazz Series in our beautiful amphitheater
* Linkage with public school students and teachers, who use HCA as an educational resource in the arts and in leadership training |
 Hopkinton Community Partnership
The Hopkinton Community Partnership is an independent philanthropy whose mission is to improve the diverse needs of the Hopkinton community, it’s individuals, and families through grant opportunities and funding.
The partnership supports community-based education driven programs as well as individuals and families in Hopkinton who are in need. We are a grant maker and convener working to provide resources, information, ideas and advocacy for community support. |
 Hopkinton Education Foundation |
Founded in November of 1991 by Steve Gray, this organization works to advance innovation in the schools by awarding grants to teachers and administrators. The organization raises money through their yearly events, corporate sponsors, and through donations from the public. The money then goes to buying new technology for the classrooms, buying new software, professional development, and to improving the educational experience as a whole. Anyone who is interested in joining the Board can contact the current Board members, and volunteers are always welcome to help out. |
 Hopkinton Garden Club
The Hopkinton Garden Club, founded in 1924, is a non-profit affiliate of The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts. Our mission is to promote the teaching and advancement of gardening, horticulture and floral design. We encourage community spirit through town beautification, participation in town events, and co-sponsorship of programs with other town organizations. We’d love to have you join us and share our passion for plants and for our community! No prior gardening experience is necessary. Just bring your enthusiasm and your desire to learn and have fun. |
Hopkinton Girl Scouts |
This organization welcomes any girl from K-12 to join. Girls will take part in numerous activities, from camping to farming to working in animal shelters. They will also help with community service around town and take part in community events. Girls will learn how to become engaged in their community and help others, and they will learn many other life lessons along the way. |
 Hopkinton Historical Society |
Founded in 1951, the Society works to preserve and celebrate history and to share history with others. There is a monthly meeting, and there is also a Board meeting on the third Tuesday of every month that is open to the public. The Society is working to document, preserve, and archive artifacts of the past and to make the information public. Anyone interested in history is welcome to join, even if you are not a resident of Hopkinton. |
Hopkinton Lacrosse |
Hopkinton Lions Club |
The Hopkinton Lions Club was founded April 24, 1975 and continues to live by the motto “We Serve”. Members of the Hopkinton Lions Club live in and/or work in the community and have forged strong bonds with their neighbors and local businesses. From performing hands-on service projects to providing emergency assistance and conducting fundraisers, our community and environmental programs improve our community, and the communities around us – and protect the environment. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. We welcome new members. |
 Hopkinton Little League
Our organization offers tee ball, baseball and softball to youth in Hopkinton (ages 5-12 in baseball and 5-14 in softball). Our regular season runs April 1 – mid June each year, with opportunities to play in summer tournaments, Registration is open November – December 31. Families new to town are able to register outside of this window. Our focus is on teaching children the fundaments of the sport and developing a love of the game. We also offer employment opportunities for HLL alumni and other Hopkinton students as field crew, umpires and workers in our concession stands. |
Hopkinton Moms Group |
This organization provides play dates for children, allowing children and their moms a chance to socialize. With 250 members, this is a group for moms who want to get to know other moms and take part in different activities. The children will take part in play dates and day trips (depending on their age), and Moms will be able to take part in community activities and a monthly Moms’ Night Out. There is also a forum for all moms in the group to take part in and have their questions answered. |
 Hopkinton Music Association |
The Hopkinton Music Association (HMA) is a volunteer parent organization whose mission is to promote, support, and advocate for exceptional music education for all students in the Hopkinton Public Schools. We achieve this with the generous support of business, individuals, and the families of music students…past, present, and future. |
 Hopkinton Public Library |
The Hopkinton Public Library is a comfortable, welcoming place for our community, accessible to all. We provide access to a variety of materials, services and programs to enhance educational, cultural, social, and intellectual endeavors and to extend personal growth and development. Since 1895, the Library has been located in the heart of downtown just steps away from the Town Common. The recently renovated and expanded library building, filled with architectural charm and character, is a community-gathering place where people and information come together. |
 Hopkinton Public Schools |
The Hopkinton Public School District is highly regarded for its Pre-K – 12 programs and for the outstanding achievement of its students. The district is continually engaged in thoughtful planning for the future. The district is guided by a comprehensive Strategic Plan, designed to ensure students master the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed to gain admission into outstanding institutions of higher education, and to be productive world citizens in a technologically sophisticated, competitive, global economy. Data from multiple and varied assessments are used to improve student learning. Highly dedicated and qualified staff members are supported in their work through on-going professional development, including a new teacher academy and mentoring program. The town has an award winning, town-wide PTA and multiple additional support groups that provide ongoing financial and volunteer support for its students. The schools and community work together to efficiently provide the resources needed to maintain their high-performing district. |
Hopkinton SEPAC |
SPEAC of Hopkinton is becoming Hopkinton SEPAC. SEPAC is the Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Hopkinton SEPAC membership is open to any and all parties. You do not have to have a child with special needs to join. If your child, or you know a child who, has trouble reading, writing, understanding math, has an identified disability or perhaps is undiagnosed, but definitive presence of a disability, organizational or attention difficulties, join Hopkinton SEPAC to learn more about these and other areas in the developing child.
Hopkinton SEPAC believes in the importance of each child’s education, striving to continually improve the quality of Hopkinton’s special education programs through a variety of programs, speakers, administration meetings, and community outreach services. We provide resources needed from the preschool age child to the high school graduate and beyond.
To Learn More: Visit our website, join our email list and come to our next meeting. |
Hopkinton Running Club |
Hopkinton Special Olympics |
Established in 2004, this branch of the Special Olympics welcomes players ages 6 and up to play, and players 8 and up to compete. There is a unified program for younger players consisting of players with developmental disabilities and partners, those without developmental disabilities. For adults there is a component team with no partners. In this way, everyone can have fun and learn how to socialize with those around them. |
 Hopkinton Trails Club
Founded in 2005, this club advocates for and promotes the trails in the town of Hopkinton. The club manages and maintains the existing trail system, and works with developers to include trails into their designs. A hike is offered almost every month to introduce the town’s trails to residents, and occasional trail maintenance events are held. There is also a monthly meeting to discuss trail-related issues. There are no membership fees or requirements other than an interest in trails, and anyone is welcome to attend any hike or club activities. |
 Hopkinton Youth Soccer |
Hopkinton Youth Soccer is a community based youth soccer program committed to creating an opportunity for each of our youth players to develop as individuals, team members and community members. Our philosophy is based upon the development of creative, passionate and skillful players that implement skills learnt on the training ground into games on the field. Healthy competition is encouraged but our focus remains on the long-term development of well-rounded players over short-term team wins and losses. We help each and every one of our developing players through professional academy partnerships to provide a cutting edge curriculum supported by volunteer coaches in a positive and creative environment.
Our most important purpose is to provide an enjoyable and satisfying experience for all involved in the program, including players, parents, coaches and referees. |
Hopkinton Woman’s Club |
This branch of the club was founded in 1920. The club supports local communities by volunteering their time to work with the different charities in Hopkinton. By raising money by producing the Community Register and Phone Directory, the club works to reach out to others and to make a positive impact on the community. Anyone can take part in the club, which meets every second Monday of the month at the Faith Community Church of Hopkinton. |
This organization works to support the education of students through enrichment programs. Brainstorming on ways to improve education, those involved decide what to give to a school each year and raise the money through fundraisers. They have given money to schools to bring in Smart Boards, and they work with principals to bring in programs from outside the school to create a rich learning experience for students. With extracurricular activities for students, seminars for parents, and by bringing in professionals to work with teachers, this organization has something for everyone. |
John Warren Masonic Lodge A.F. & A.M. |
Lake Maspenock Preservation Association |
 Mental Health Collaborative |
The vision of the Mental Health Collaborative is that people flourish in informed communities, and they live the lives they imagine for themselves and engage in the promotion of mental well-being. We are dedicated to ending stigma and improving mental health literacy across communities by moving away from a crisis based response toward a model of prevention through education and awareness. |
The Michael Lisnow Center |
 The MRP Project |
We are committed to providing hope through social support to adults facing hardships and a mentoring program for middle school students in the Greater Hopkinton area. We offer programs to provide hope through social support and mentoring: Bags for a Boost provide emotional boosts for adults facing hardships, Raising Resilient Kids is an educational series for parents who want to ensure their child can positively and productively overcome life’s obstacles, and STEAMPals is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design, and Math (STEAM) mentoring program for middle school students. |
PolyArts |
Project Just Because |
Project Just Because is a 501 (c)(3) charity organization that runs various programs throughout the year providing basic needs to struggling families, children, and seniors throughout Massachusetts when they face difficult times. We provide items such as clothing, food, school supplies, warm items, and toiletries year-round. PJB runs the Hopkinton food pantry for Hopkinton residents as well as a gluten free food pantry available to anyone in MA. PJB is a volunteer-dependent organization supported by generous people who donate time, money and goods for those in need. |
 The Sanctuary at Woodville |
At The Sanctuary, we seek to uphold all that is taught in the Apostles’ Creed as our basis for all teaching and the practicing of spiritual disciplines. Our main goal is to help each person thrive in their understanding and experience of The Triune God and to help them access more fully the Life of the God-head in the community, that community being the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sustainer of our own life. Our souls are further sustained through the community of others joining us on this journey.
 Sharon Timlin Memorial Road Race |
Founded by Mike and Dawn Timlin in honor of their mother, this organization sponsors an annual race to raise money for ALS, a debilitating and incurable disease. They also work to raise awareness of the disease and hope, through their efforts, to fund research to one day find a cure. Over 2,500 people attend and over $600,000 has been raised for this cause. Both runners and non-runners can participate in the race. Visit their website for information on race dates and times. |
Single Again Group of Hopkinton |
We are looking for a few good friends to come join us. We meet every second Friday at 6:30 at St. Paul’s Church 61 Wood Street in Hopkinton.
We seek over 50’s who are widowed, divorced or single for any other reason. In the past we have attended a Pawtucket Red Sox game, had a Drum Circle, sponsored a members Art Show, Kept each other company at Board Games, and attended The Black and White silent film Phantom of the Opera with Lon Chaney. See the Channel 8 Bulletin Board for future events.
Contact person is Nanette Kenrick at the Church phone 508-435-4536 or Church email at office@stpaulhopkinton.org. Sponsored by St. Paul’s Church
Woodville Rod and Gun Club |