Parent Alert: Dangers of a Popular Social Media App: Yik Yak

In an effort to keep teens safe, we wanted to make you aware of a recent trend in social media.

Yik Yak is a social bulletin board displaying messages from people in a user’s area that can be voted “up” or “down” on the page.

The anonymous social wall has been popular in Hopkinton Middle and High School. This app is free and easy to download. The app is location based and allows you to post whatever you want about whoever you want anonymously. Its radius is limited to a 1.5 mile area, so it’s really a conversation by Hopkinton Teens about Hopkinton teens. As the School Resource Officer, I have monitored this site and found some positive, but mostly negative chats that are derogatory There are an infinite number of applications so we can never eliminate or block all of them.

Please talk with your children about what apps they use and educate them about the dangers of social media. If you have questions, please contact:

Phil Powers
School Resource Officer
508-497-9820 x 1004

Jean Vallera Vazza
Youth Services Coordinator

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