Pre-register Now for HPTA FIRST LEGO League

Once again Hopkinton Middle School and HPTA are looking to provide opportunities for students to participate in FIRST LEGO League, an international robotics and science competition.

The program requires teams to participate equally in both a robot game (using LEGO NXT robots and MINDSTORMS software) and a research project, and requires significant work from participants both at team sessions and at home. Please visit the FLL website to learn more about the program.

For 2012, the season will run from September to December and will require the following:

  • Weekly 2-hour meetings to be held at coaches’ homes and scheduled according to coach/team availability,
  • Research homework, and
  • Participation in a both a practice tournament in Hopkinton and a competition tournament in Shrewsbury.
  • Program cost for materials, tournament registrations, etc., will be $200 for HPTA members and $215 for non-members.

If you think your student would like to participate:

1. Visit the website and learn more about the program;

2. Pre-register at theHPTA website by July 1,2012;

3. Volunteer to coach!

Coaches will assign students to teams of 6 – 10 participants and send confirmation emails with a link for program payment, etc.

Waitlisted families will be notified asap. If additional coaches volunteer, teams will be filled from the waitlist until August 15.

Contact Amanda Fargiano at

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