Save The Date: 4th Annual Golf Tournament

The 4th Annual Hopkinton High Golf Tournament Committe has met and I would like to announce that you “SAVE THE DATE” for this years Hopkinton High School Fundraising Golf Tournament. The FLYER and Registration Form are enclosed with the date-place and time for this years event. It will be on Monday, August 19th at the Shining Rock Golf Club once again. It will be a Florida Style Scramble beginning at 1:00PM with a “Shot Gun” start. We are planning on filling this years tournament with 36 teams so please secure your foursome ASAP. All the information concerning the tournament is in the flyer and registration form attached below. Our committee will be asking our many HOLE SPONSORS and FINANCIAL PARTNERS for their continued financial support once again. I hope you will be able to contribute to our HHS GOLF TEAM FUNDRAISING by being a participant- a hole sponsor- a raffle prize contributor- or just a contribution to help make our annual tournament a success once again this year. It has helped our kids in so many ways as you will see outlined below.

This tournament is our only team fundraiser and it helps our Varsity and JV golf teams with the extra financial expenses which occur during the season that the HHS Athletic Department is not able to provide for our team. It helps us to secure practice rounds- practice at driving range facilities- practice rounds at state tournament sites – new equipment- new hats and visors this year- and it helps replace some of our older shirts/wind breakers,etc. It helps with the financial support at the Annual End of Year Banquet at HCC with the seniors and their parents attending free of charge. I appreciate all the former alumni- players and their parents in this years program and former team members/parents – friends of the Hiller golf program- and my many golfing friends who have made this tournament a huge success the last three years. It’s a really fun tournament at a great golf course, great raffle prizes, some really special raffle prizes each year and a great event to kick off our 2013 HHS Golf SEASON which begins on August 22nd.

Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at or by phone at 508- 612 -9324. Look forward to having you part of our tournament once again this year. We’ll also be looking forward to some new players and new foursomes to participate in this years tournament.

Coach Dick Bliss & The 2013 Hopkinton Golf Team Fundraising Tournament Committee

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