Senior Prank Not Funny Says Bishop

The Hopkinton High School Senior Class pulled off another Senior Skip Day on Monday where a majority of the 2013 Class were missing. Interim Principal Evan Bishop was not amused and sent a letter home today to parents warming it will not be tolerated again, even with a note from a parent. You can read the letter below:

Dear Parents of Seniors,

As many of you are aware, Monday was senior “skip day” at the high school. I want to emphasize that in no way was this sanctioned or approved by the administration. I completely understand that high school seniors will push the limits especially as they near the end of their high school experience. However, I ask for your support in not allowing this type of event to happen again this year. The Class of 2013 already had a pseudo “skip day” in the fall when almost half of the class was absent, and yesterday, the overwhelming majority of the class was absent.

Moving forward, we will not tolerate another “skip day”. There will be consequences regardless of a parent phone call. We have been more than fair in declining to take disciplinary action in response to Monday’s event, but we will not hesitate to pursue consequences if something like this happens again.

I appreciate your support and understanding with this matter.

Evan Bishop

Interim Principal

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