Once again students at Hopkinton High School and the Middle School will be holding their Annual Turkey Drive to benefit families in Metrowest; all
donations will benefit the Salvation Army and Project Just Because. Students will be available at times and locations listed below to collect turkeys, as well as non-perishable food items, that will be delivered to the Salvation Army and Project Just Because on Friday November 17th, so the organization can distribute them to needy families over the weekend in preparation for the Thanksgiving Holiday the next week. Grocery store gift certificates are also welcome, so families can do their own shopping. Additionally, cash donations are accepted to put towards the purchase of turkeys.
We hope you can help us help others this year, as the need in our local area continues to be very great. Over the last thirteen years, thousands of
turkeys have been donated helping those that are struggling financially to celebrate a warm, happy holiday with their families. Please join in the
Many thanks to the Hopkinton Public Schools for helping in this annual effort and storing turkeys as the drive is held. We also appreciate Colella’s
Supermarket for their support as a collection location and local media outlets for their continued support.
14th Annual Turkey Drive
Please Help! Deliver donations to the following locations. Students are
there to help:
Tuesday, November 13th
7-7:30 am Middle School
8:30-9 am Hopkins School
2-2:30 pm Middle School
2:30-4 pm Elmwood School
3-4 pm Hopkins School
2:30-5pm Collela’s Supermarket
Wednesday, November 14th
7-7:30 am Middle School
8:30-9 am Hopkins School
2-2:30 pm Middle School
2:30-4 pm Elmwood School
3-4 pm Hopkins School
2:30-5pm Collela’s Supermarket
Thursday, November 15th
7-7:30 am Middle School
8:30-9 am Hopkins School
2-2:30 pm Middle School
2:30-4 pm Elmwood School
3-4 pm Hopkins School
2:30-5pm Collela’s Supermarket
This is a Student Run Event. We’re asking for your help again as our goal this year is to collect 100 turkeys. Students should not bring turkeys on the bus! All donations go to The Salvation Army and Project Just Because.
Additional donations that can be dropped off: Boxed desserts, Gravy, Pies, Potato Flakes, Cranberry Sauce,
Stuffing and Cash to purchase food.
Any questions please contact Drew Johnson drewjohnson20@gmail.com
Kacey Kramer kjk629@gmail.com or Matt Johnson mjohnson@hillers.org