As your Town Clerk, I would like to take this opportunity to share with residents some of the upcoming election events for 2014. The 2014 Elections and Town Meetings calendar also reflects the dates of Town and State elections for 2014. The Annual Town Meeting (ATM) is Monday, May 5, 2014 and the Annual Town Election (ATE) is Monday, May 19, 2014.
The last day to register to vote for both the ATM and ATE is Tuesday, April 15, 2014. The Town Clerk’s Office will be open from 8AM to 8PM on that date. Please visit the Town Clerk’s website for more information relative to the 2014 town meeting, town election and the 2014 open elected positions for local office.
A State Primary is scheduled Tuesday, September 9, 2014 and a State Election is scheduled Tuesday, November 4, 2014.
Please visit the State website at for more information about the State elections.
Also, it’s important to complete the 2014 Annual Street Listing and return it to this office. Please notice a new reminder for your dog license renewals on the bottom of the Annual Street Listing.
REMINDER: Dog licensing is due April 1, 2014.
If you have any questions relative to the Annual Street Listing and/or dog licensing, please stop by the office or call 508-497-9710.
Assistant Town Clerk Brenda McCann and I welcome you to stop by the Town Clerk’s Office at Town Hall with any questions or for information. The Town Clerk’s Office is committed to excellent customer service and upholding the values of open government by providing access to the town’s public records.
Geri Holland
Town Clerk
Town Clerk’s Office
Town of Hopkinton
18 Main Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748