Weekly ScheduleFirst AiringSecond AiringThird AiringFourth Airing
Veterans RememberThursday, 7:00 PMFriday, 2:00 AMFriday, 8:30 AMSaturday, 7:00 PM

This is HCAM-TV’s Original series; Veterans Remember. This program includes memories shared by many Hopkinton veterans who have served their country in time of war and in time of peace. Their stories create a historical record, personal in nature, for all to hear in the words of the veterans themselves.

In the early shows the focus is on World War II where Hopkinton was a rich resource of volunteers and many veterans can be seen regularly in the community today. Additional interviews include veterans of other military conflicts, men and women, from all branches of service. The veterans relate their history in Hopkinton, their reasons for serving, and their wartime experiences. The resulting series, Veterans Remember, demonstrates how Hopkinton has a special place in the history of the wars of the United States, which should be a source of pride and inspiration to all Hopkintonians.

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