Encourage your students’ artistic exploration! All Hopkinton students are invited to participate. Reflections recognizes and awards preK – grade 12 students’ artistry & creativity at the local, state and national level. Encourage your children to show us their talent in any of the following categories:
- Dance Choreography (includes gymnastics, ice skating, any form of dance expression)
- Film/Video Production
- Literature
- Musical Composition
- Photography
- Visual Arts (includes drawing, painting, print making & collage)
There are four grade divisions: primary, intermediate, middle/junior, and senior. Entries are judged by how well the theme is interpreted and delivered.
Each child receives a free ice cream just for entering!
IMPORTANT: Deadline for entries: Friday, December 7, 2012
(Please deliver entries to your school’s front office)
1. Submit 2 COLOR COPIES of each entry for VISUAL ARTS/PHOTOGRAPHY/LITERATURE/MUSICAL COMPOSTION categories, and email a digital copy to sjasfurlong@verizon.net.
2. For DANCE/MUSIC/FILM, provide 2 CD/DVDs of each entry.
3. For ALL entries, submit one copy of the Student Entry Form, and email a pdf copy to sjasfurlong@verizon.net.
4. New Consent Form: If your entry features another individual (photo, film, dance), a consent form must be signed by the individual(s) and accompany your entry. This is a legal requirement by the state/nationals.
The PTA Reflections website is undergoing updates. Entry forms, consent forms, rules/regulations, and more Reflections Program information, will be made available shortly. Links will be posted on hptaonline.com as soon as they are available.
For past Hopkinton Reflections activity, go to: www.hptaonline.com/programs/reflections-art-competition
For 2012 General Participation Rules, go to: http://pta.org/1._General_Participation_Rules_-_English-Spanish.pdf
To see last year’s National Reflections winners, go to: http://pta.org/5286.htm
To see state and local winners, go to: http://masspta.org/index.php
Please contact us via email if you have any questions. As Reflections program updates and forms are made available online, they will be posted on the HPTA website.
We look forward to receiving this year’s “The Magic of a Moment” entries!
Keep on creating!
Kathy Baumann at kathyneddy@aol.com
Jodi Furlong at sjasfulong@verizon.net
Local HPTA Reflections Co-Chairs