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Freshman Start School With Laptop Training

By Stephanie Kane, News Producer

A year into its implementation, the 1-1 Laptop Initiative, which requires incoming high school students to have access to a laptop either by utilizing an already purchased one or by leasing an Apple MacBook from the school, was deemed a success by school officials.

On August 26th, incoming freshmen and their parents attended a presentation to learn about the rules and procedures for using the laptops. The rules regarding the machines have not changed from last year, with students being asked to assume responsibility for them. Students are required to bring the laptop fully charged in a zipped case to class each day. Students are also responsible for backing up their data as well as keeping the computer in their lockers when not in use. If a laptop is damaged or stolen, it is the responsibility of the student and parent to address the situation. Laptops that are leased from the school are property of the Hopkinton Public School System until paid off.

Director of Technology for Hopkinton Public Schools, Ashoke Ghosh, says that the school plans on holding seminars during the year which will focus on specific concerns regarding the laptops and computer safety.

For more information about the 1-1 laptop initiative including more details on proper protocols for the laptops, visit the 1-1 laptop site, which can be accessed on the High School's homepage.

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