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Highlights: Hopkins All School Meeting

By Stephanie Kane, News Producer

At the March Hopkins all school meeting, students were treated to something extra special as the High School's Robotics Team showcased what they had been working on for a recent competition.

The goal of all school meetings is for students to demonstrate different ideas and values that they have learned in front of the entire school. At this meeting, Heather Smith's and Maribeth Tremblay's fifth grade classes gave the school a history lesson through Native American dance. And the fifth graders in Catherine Logan's and Kelly Wilkie's classes showed off their grammar skills by performing a song from the play "Pirates from Grammar Island".

The entire Hopkins all school meeting is currently playing on HCAM-ED, Verizon Channel 31 or Comcast channel 96. Check the HCAM-ED program schedule for specific air dates and times.

To see photos from the meeting, Click Here.

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