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Hiller Cheer 4peats TVL Title

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Congratulations go out to the Hopkinton High Cheerleaders for winning their fourth TVL title in a row (no other Hopkinton Hiller Cheer team has ever accomplish this feat).

This season has been especially difficult for the Hopkinton cheerleaders for a couple of reasons. All this snow has forced schedule changes and missed practices. Also, several injuries have forced teammates to the sidelines. Still, they’ve been able to overcome all these obstacles and continue their winning ways.

HPS Public Notice

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Special Education Child Find Notice
Under federal and state special education regulations, Hopkinton Public Schools has a duty to locate, identify, refer, evaluate and, if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities who reside in the town of Hopkinton. For parents or guardians of children ages 3-21 years of age who have a disability or developmental delay, and who would like more information, please contact Marijane Hackett, Director of Student Services and Child Find Coordinator, at 508-497-9850.

Superintendent Seeks Input

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Based on extensive community feedback that both the Superintendent and School Committee have received in the last month, we are actively considering alternatives for the 2015/2016 School Calendar and would like your opinion on several options. Please complete the Survey. by noon on February 26th in order for your feedback to be taken into consideration before the School Calendar is approved at the March 5th School Committee meeting.

Send a Different Message

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Your teen has brought home a poor grade. "You could do better," you say. But he has probably heard something else. Students often hear "you could do better" as "you're not good enough" or even as "I can't make my Mom and Dad happy."
That doesn't mean you have to praise him for a bad grade. But here's an approach that may get the result you're looking for.

Start by finding something positive to say. Then ask whether he is satisfied with the paper, test or project. Does he think the grade he earned reflects the effort he put in? What might he do differently another time?

Video Segment: Middle School Assistant Principal announced she is running the Boston Marathon

By Tom Nappi, News Director

Hopkinton Middle School Assistant Principal Maryellen Grady has put countless effort into the Sky’s The Limit Project, the goal of the project is to raise money to develop the Courtyard at the Middle School to allow students to use the courtyard f


School Roofs Inspected

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Mr. Rogers, Director of Buildings and Grounds, met with Mr. Kadlick and Mr. Shepard from the Hopkinton Building Department on Wednesday, February 18th to thoroughly inspect all roofs district wide. Overall the roofs are in very good shape. Any areas of concern that were identified have been addressed. In all cases, it was determined that the structures will safely hold the weight of the accumulated snow. Any concerns based on the potential for sliding snow at building entrances will be addressed before school re-opens on Monday.

Consider Hosting an International Student

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Boston Global Education is a local agency that places international students with loving host families throughout the Metrowest area.

Currently, we are looking for a caring family residing in Hopkinton that would be willing to share their home, time, and culture with a student. A generous stipend would be provided on a monthly basis to cover student expenses.

Families new to hosting can rest assured knowing that our friendly and helpful host coordinator is available to guide you every step of the way.

Student Poetry Cafe

By contributor,

Hopkinton Middle and High School Students are Cordially Invited to a Poetry Cafe on Wednesday, March 4 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Middle School library. The snow date is March 9.

Meet local poet Cheryl Perrault and experience poetry in a new way! Find what inspires you to write, and share your poetry in this interactive, relaxed workshop. Bring a picture or an object for writing inspiration. Several HMS English teachers will be present and refreshments will be served.

RSVP to librarian Diane Norby at

Here's What Doesn't Work to Motivate Your Teen

By contributor,

We all want to motivate our teens to do their best in school. But research suggests that some things simply don't work very well. Here are some things to avoid:
~Unearned praise.
~Fear, threats and punishment. ("If you don't get at least a B on this test, there will be no TV for a month.")
~Overly simplified statements. ("No guts, no glory.")
~Name-calling, nagging, blaming or placing guilt. ("You're lazy and you'll never get into college if you don't straighten up.")